A 55 shot barrage ejecting bursts of red, green and yellow stars with white glitter and silver chrysanthmum bursts with red,green or blue stars
A 20 shot cake ejecting LOUD bursts of titanium cored red or green peonies and titanium cored crackling starbursts.
a 37 large shot barrage ejecting bursts of golden willow, silver palms & red strobe, red palms & silver strobe, silver palms & blue dahlia stars, green palms & chrysanthemum effects and finally a burst of crackling palms.
A Rapid fire barrage with 25 shots of large golden palm bursts backed with blue glitter
Gold brocades with blue stars light up the sky, followed by red croisettes.
This 30 shot barrage contains low noise mines with blue comets green strobes and golden strobes.
A 19 shot large bore barrage ejecting large bursts of red, blue and green or silver shimmering strobes.
This amazing firework battery will provide you with 36 shots of Blue comets, each with a blue tail bursting with blue stars.
A 26 shot barrage with red palm bursts backed with a gold and V fired silver strobes.